Pastor: Paula Hemann
Just What is Christmas? Christmas Eve Sermon
'Merry Christmas' everyone
As I sat and thought about this past year , I thought about all the many blessings this year, yet also thankful that 2024 I almost over.
I also asked myself an honest to goodness Question-
Just What is Christmas?
This December it seems with Viral Bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, the remains of COVID, life stress, political stress, wars, loss of loved ones, surgeries, cancer, illness all around, it feels like this world is unravelling-
some are tired, angry, frustrated, confused, maybe not feeling Christmas…
Yet more than 2,700 years ago the world was having its own turmoil.
And from the beginning there was no room for Jesus.
It began with there was no room in the Inn, and as Jesus did his ministry there was no room in the economic world, the legal realm, in the political order, and lastly in the religious order.
It seemed that with all the prophesying of a coming Savior, that even on that 1st Christmas, the Messiah came when there was turmoil of everyone coming to being registered , it was least expected that their Messiah would be born.
Today in our readings we are reminded to take our hearts back to the center of the season.
There you see the gift that came to us in Bethlehem…Jesus Christ
He is heaven's love, and once again Christmas is here at last
Forever God is now with us, All our hopes found in a baby boy born in an animal trough.
God knew that Jesus would give us what is needed in the midst of lifes turmoil; comfort and joy… Christmas
So this year; There's no need to keep your tears from falling.
Sometimes what's most painful are those holidays; I stand here remembering my Father-in- law who suddenly passed Christmas Eve Morning, or my Mother who passed the day before Thanksgiving, and now our Mother in Law in the Hospital with a stroke- and tonight some of you here have experienced loss during significant times as well.
But Christmas shows us that God cares for us deeply
The same boy in the manger holds us still today
All our hopes are found in this baby boy who brought us Comfort and Joy
(Breathe in those words and close your eyes as we say them together) Comfort and joy, Comfort and joy
There it is- This is Christmas
For the widow and the orphan all alone
For the prodigals and soldiers far from home
The peace of God reaches down to every aching soul!
God knew we needed comfort and joy and that is the Heart of Christmas-
Keeping alert and Faith filled in the midst of all that is happening.
Today, if you stopped by my house- you may be shocked as there are no wrapped presents under our Christmas Tree! You might feel sorry for us or think? Are they short of money or just lazy. But that’s not what I see…
What do you see this Christmas?
Will you see the Gifts, Christmas Lights or – will you see what I see
Will you see God pouring himself all over and in you, so you reach out to help your fellow Human?
This year my Christmas Tree of Life is So Very Full:
I see my Husband who selflessly takes care of his Stroke affected Mother
I see a beloved member loving and caring for her ailing brother every day
I see a selfless people care for each other to see that each need is taken care of.
I see so many helping another in need making sure they get out or can drive safely to work.
I see one who opens their home to me so I can be in warm and safe surrounding during bad weather.
I see love and mercy given when one’s schedule gets overwhelmed and miss the meeting.
I see ones where you enter their home and feel immediately embrace, where you have sacred conversation, or go to a home where you all sing together and then go and pick strawberries and vegetables with them thinking I was helping them to give to another, and then have them given to me! I go into homes where I leave with a heart that arrived empty and ended Full.
I see in front of me those who work tirelessly making sure those in need are fed and clothed. Or those who privately help to be sure that a mother and her children have furniture, clothes and Christmas.
I see those here who share whatever they have and give it freely to be sure another has too!
I see dedicated, hope-filled people doing all they can to move others into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. I see everyone Welcome anyone who enters here so they feel they belong and consider this church their Home.
I see my children who work tirelessly to provide for their families and fulfill their God given giftedness, while always taking time for their parents.
I see those who have touched and lifted me and others up with encouragement-laughter and love when it was most needed.
They are the ones who laugh with you and make you laugh at yourself and suddenly things don’t seem so bad- or 2 upcoming Baptisms of Beautiful Children as they become Members of God’s Family- these are the most precious Gifts- This is Christmas.
Or maybe for you it was every time someone’s hand reached out to help … or just listened- This is Christmas
Or Every time someone put conflict aside and strove to understand…This is Christmas.
Or every time people Forget their Differences and realize their Love For Each Other…This is Christmas!
God intends Christmas to be like Matthew 25: 35-40: 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
God is so amazing and mysterious.
Tonight, I share a Note from my Dear Brother in Christ; Dave Farnsworth- a Kind Christian Man. A man who spiritually adopted a Wife, Husband and their 2 children! He was good, honorable, loving, a hardworking and Faith filled Man.
A man who began his Cancer journey with Stage 4 Lung Cancer ( a man who never smoked a day in his life) in 2020. Dave wasn’t just a survivor, no he was an overcomer. The longest person to be on Hospice; 4 years. About the time they thought they could release him, he would receive a new diagnosis of a new cancer.
And all the while he NEVER COMPLAINED! He just counted his Blessings!
And I friends had the honor of writing his Life message because you see Dave went to his heavenly home October 16, 2024.
Forever the meaning of Christmas Changed for me because of Dave Farnsworth. All because I will hold tightly to his message written on a small piece of paper and left in my mailbox on Christmas Eve of 2021. Here is what Dave wrote:
Hi Everyone:
Sure miss not going to church. I’m doing decent. They stopped all treatment 1 year ago and said to get all my wishes in Order. Didn’t think I would live past February. But Here I am Still. They have no explanation. Said it was someone higher than them that is keeping me around. Just count my Blessings. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and an Amazing New Year! ~ Dave Farnsworth
Now This is Christmas!
Merry Christmas – God Bless us Everyone